Why A.S.M.?

Working collaboratively with parents and classroom teachers in developing the whole child is important to us and that purpose is reflected in all we do for the students at Clovis Grove.

"Emma was asked if she would rather go to After School Matters or have some friends pick her up and she chose your program!. Thanks for all that you and your staff do for her." Emma's Mom - an A.S.M. Parent

"Chloe really enjoys ASM and you all do such a great job. My family who lives in Milwaukee can't believe how reasonable the cost is." Chloe's Dad - an A.S.M. Parent

Clovis ASM Staff

ASM/BSM Site Coordinator:

Judy McGillis

967-1964 0r cell 209-9691

After School Matters Staff
Program Aide:

Barbara Walters

Kindergarten Lead:

MaryBeth Seib

1/2 grade Lead:

Marla Francis

2/3 grade Lead:

Ashley Allwardt

4/5 grade Lead:

Jenny Curran

Student Aide:

Marissa Kososki

Amy White

BSM Staff:
Julie Herzfeldt
Lisa Hildebrandt
MaryBeth Seib
Steve Zelinske